"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

7 signs to observe out for

A nervous breakdown (also called a nervous breakdown) is a term that describes a period of maximum mental or emotional stress. The stress is so great that the person is unable to perform normal on a regular basis activities.

The term “nervous breakdown” isn't a clinical one. It can also be not a psychological disorder. In the past it was used to explain many various mental illnesses, but today it isn't any longer utilized by professionals. However, this doesn't mean that a nervous breakdown is a healthy response to emphasize. In fact, it's quite the alternative and may sometimes indicate an underlying problem akin to depression or anxiety.

There isn't any single reason for a nervous breakdown. Anything that causes excessive stress can trigger it. In general, the sensation of stress and the shortcoming to deal with it could actually leave you feeling so overwhelmed that you simply are unable to perform your normal every day tasks. Things that may trigger a nervous breakdown include:

  • A sudden tragedy
  • An enormous life change
  • Constant stress at work (sometimes called “burnout”)
  • Fear
  • depression
  • Bad sleep
  • abuse
  • Financial problems

Experiencing some stress is a traditional a part of life. If the sentiments turn into too overwhelming, they'll result in a nervous breakdown.

While these outages could be frightening and debilitating, there are things you'll be able to do. It might help to acknowledge the signs, take preventive measures, and seek treatment.

A nervous breakdown ends in the lack of normal function, no less than temporarily. However, several signs may indicate that you simply or someone could also be on the trail to experiencing overwhelming stress. Here are a few of the signs and symptoms to look out for:

experiencing symptoms of tension or depression

Anxious or depressed feelings and actions are common reactions to emphasize. These include:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Fear
  • irritability
  • Worrying
  • I feel helpless
  • It's easy to get indignant
  • Withdrawing from family and friends
  • Lose interest in your favorite activities
  • Difficulty respiratory
  • Uncontrollable crying
  • Thoughts of self-harm or suicide

When the stress becomes unbearable, a nervous breakdown can occur.

Difficulty concentrating

Studies have shown that stress affects each your mind and your body. Long-term stress could cause structural changes within the brain that may affect your memory and cause difficulty concentrating. In extreme cases, an excessive amount of cortisol may even result in memory loss.


For some people, excessive stress could cause insomnia, making it difficult to go to sleep and stay asleep. When you'll be able to't sleep, your brain and body can't get well from stress, which in turn can result in worsening stress and anxiety. Lack of sleep may also affect your physical health in addition to your mental performance. Others may respond to emphasize by oversleeping, which may also result in mental and physical problems.

Extreme fatigue

Too much stress can result in extreme fatigue. You may feel drained since you don't sleep enough, or it's possible you'll even feel drained since you sleep an excessive amount of. Over time, chronic fatigue combined with stress can result in a nervous breakdown.

Changes in appetite

Stress could cause changes in your appetite. Some people deal with stress by overeating, which might result in unwanted weight gain. For others, stress can result in a lack of appetite.

Digestive problems

Stress and anxiety can result in stomach problems akin to cramps, bloating, constipation and diarrhea. If you've got irritable bowel syndrome, stress could cause flare-ups that may result in digestive problems. If you're stressed and spot any of those symptoms, it could possibly be an indication that you simply're on the verge of a nervous breakdown.


In some cases, extreme stress may even cause hallucinations. You may hear or see things that aren't really there.

It's not unusual to feel overwhelmed by the demands of life. If you're feeling like your stress is becoming an excessive amount of, consult with your doctor. They may refer you to a psychologist or psychiatrist. Your doctor may have the option to treat physical symptoms.

Proper treatment for a nervous breakdown depends totally on the cause and the person. Common treatments include:

Lifestyle changes

Mental fatigue is a typical feature of a nervous breakdown. For some, it could actually be an efficient home cure to rest and reduce stress. Examples of changes may include:

  • Reduce the variety of your every day obligations
  • Take a walk or add some type of exercise to your routine
  • Eat healthy
  • Take a break once you need it
  • Practice meditation
  • Spend time in nature


Your doctor may prescribe antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications to alleviate the symptoms of a nervous breakdown. If your stress is causing insomnia, it's possible you'll be prescribed a sleep medication. Difficulty sleeping can worsen stress and anxiety, which is able to only make your insomnia worse. Sleep medication might help break the cycle of insomnia and reduce stress.


Psychotherapy, also called “talk therapy,” helps you process your mental breakdown and reduces your risk of getting one other mental breakdown. Talking to an expert can make it easier to process your thoughts and find solutions to ease your stress and anxiety.