"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Last week, Parliament passed sweeping reforms to Australia's aged care system. it”Once in a generation” The changes, that ...

A “mysterious disease” recently struck the southwestern corner of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Between 67 and ...

We've all heard someone claim they've a “high pain threshold” as if it's an indication of strength or ...

People whose ring finger is longer than their index finger are likely to drink more alcohol. New research ...

It's a typical myth that only foods of animal origin, akin to meat, seafood, eggs and milk, can ...

Long-time BBC Radio 2 broadcaster Zoe Ball Recently revealed on Instagram. that she suffers from a painful jaw ...

of Australia Administration of therapeutic equipment (TGA) has recently approved a self-test kit for chlamydia and gonorrhea for ...

Oh A recent study reported the somewhat alarming statement that the social disruption of the COVID lockdown led ...

Measuring your blood pressure at home means you'll be able to take readings over several days to get ...

every 30 secondssomeone on this planet will experience a flare-up of their asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ...