"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Aggressive? Homophobic? Stoic? Here's what hundreds of Australian men have told us about modern masculinity.

Most young adult men in Australia reject traditional views of masculinity that support aggression, bigotry and homophobia. However, the continuing impact of those ideas is damaging to men and people around them. These are among the results of a. New survey Men in Australia.

gave Mainbox surveyLed by The Men's Project at Jesuit Social Services in partnership with Respect Victoria, spoke to 2,523 Australian men aged 18 to 30.

We asked men how much they agreed with stereotypical models of what it means to be a person. In this model, men are expected to all the time be tough, aggressive, risk-taking, heterosexual, heterosexual, heterosexual and transphobic, emotionally ineffective, anti-feminine, and dominant. stay

The results showed that almost all men don't endorse this model of masculinity, and most don't think that society is encouraging this version of masculinity in them. This suggests that healthier, more gender-equal, and more inclusive norms of masculinity are relatively common amongst young adult men in Australia.

That said, 1 / 4 to a 3rd of young people agreed with among the attributes.

While the outcomes are largely encouraging, it's discouraging that men's level of endorsement of traditional masculinity beliefs has remained stable over the past five years.

Most men rejected the concept that masculinity was defined by aggression and dominance.
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Comparing probably the most recent important box survey with Previous survey in 2018Little has modified in men's attitudes toward male aggression, irony and self-sufficiency, domestic labor as women's work, homosexuality, and hypersexuality.

The only significant areas of change in young men's beliefs have been of their comfort with men spending time on grooming and fashion and their acceptance of men not all the time knowing where their intimate partner is. That means young men today could also be spending somewhat more time in front of the lavatory mirror, and somewhat less checking where their wives or girlfriends are.

Although only a minority of young people support male dominance and control in relationships and families overall, this has not decreased much over the past five years.

Young people, however, report less. Social pressure conforming to those stereotypical masculine norms than five years ago. While they now report feeling less pressure to be self-sufficient, and work harder, large numbers say it's an issue for them.

Harmful to all sexes

Young men's endorsement of traditional masculine norms is reflected in lots of troubling behaviors. These include behaviors which might be harmful to women and even to men themselves.

Our survey shows. one fourth One in five young people have used physical violence against an intimate partner, and one in five have used sexual violence against an intimate partner. Both behaviors are more common amongst young men who more strongly endorse traditional stereotypes of masculinity.

Traditional masculine norms also limit young men's own health and well-being. Some of the boys we surveyed had thoughts of suicide and self-harm, were drinking at dangerous levels, were intoxicated or under the influence of medication, or took risks by gambling. were Again, all of those are more common amongst men who're most consistent with traditionally masculine stereotypes.

Promoting healthy masculinity

To overcome the disadvantages of stereotypical masculine norms, three tasks are crucial.

First, we should always highlight why these are harmful in the primary place. This means educating policymakers, service providers and the community concerning the costs of blind conformity to men's and boys' masculinities.

Second, we must undermine the cultural influence of stereotypical masculinity, especially people who harm men and people around them. This includes highlighting positive diversity amongst men and boys, promoting spaces where men can support one another in breaking down rigid male stereotypes, and amplifying alternative male voices.

Third, we must promote healthy alternatives to rigid masculinist ideologies based on qualities akin to gender equality, non-violence, respect and compassion. This will be done through School As a part of Teaching Respectful Relationships. There could also be. Social marketing And Communication Campaigns and changes Policies and workplace culture which, amongst other strategies, restricts male parenting.

Construction work with men and boys

The “healthy masculinity” field is taking off in Australia. There are latest programs geared toward boys and men, nationally. Violence Prevention Frameworks For men and boys, and latest Funding opportunities. most people In Australia, there may be agreement that men and boys would profit from breaking free from traditional masculine stereotypes.

If this growing field is to make an actual difference, nonetheless, there are some essential ways forward. Work ought to be expanded beyond programs that reach small numbers of boys in schools.

A boy is studying at a table in a classroom with other children.
Teaching boys what healthy masculinity looks like will be done in schools.

Because gender norms and patterns of interaction are embedded in organizations and communities, work have to be done in these spaces as well.

Settings that perpetuate unhealthy and gender unequal types of masculinity require drastic interventions. These may include special workplaces, informal male peer groups, and Online platforms and networks On Reddit, X/Twitter and elsewhere.

There is a wealthy body of scholarship on how stereotypical masculinity shapes men and boys. poor health, Use of violenceand other social issues.

However, we want to know more concerning the positive. What are the aspects that shape healthy attitudes, behaviors, and relationships amongst men and boys? So how can we construct on them?

We need to construct the capability of services and practitioners to work well with men and boys. University education, Professional development And Practitioner networks.

Finally, we want Standards of the Effective practice Working with men and boys, due to this fact, initiatives and programs in Australia should not just well-intentioned but actually making a difference.