"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Sugary sodas and juices can increase blood pressure, weight gain.

Pepsi, Mountain Dew, cranberry juice cocktails, and tons of of other sugar-sweetened beverages could also be heaven on the taste buds, but drinking them each day does your body no good.

According to a recently published International Study of Macro/Micronutrients and Blood Pressure (which matches by the pseudo-acronym INTERMAP), individuals who frequently drink sugary sodas or juices have higher blood pressure and weigh greater than those that don't.

Here are the INTERMAP results. In line with others Studies show a link between drinking sugary sodas and juices and a spread of health problems, including extra weight. Metabolic syndrome, and sort 2 diabetes. These drinks may affect children greater than adults.

Keep in mind that this study only shows one Association Between drinking sugar-sweetened beverages and poor health. For example, within the INTERMAP study, it is feasible that folks who frequently drink sugar-sweetened beverages have lower intakes than those that don't drink sugar-sweetened soda, and that these aspects Don't select drinks that cause problems. The most evident approach to reveal cause and effect is a randomized trial. So far, small trials have shown that sugar-sweetened beverages can reduce consumption Lower blood pressure And Low weight.

As their name implies, sugar-sweetened beverages provide a whole lot of sugar—nine to 10 teaspoons in a 12-ounce can of standard soda—and few if some other nutrients.

Water, after all, is the best drink — 100% hydration with no calories or additives. If you wish something more energetic than water, try mixing three or 4 parts sparkling water to 1 part real juice.