"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

You could also be increasing your risk of skin cancer without knowing it

November 28, 2023 – The “sunscreen paradox” has been baffling doctors these days: As more people use sunscreen, rates of melanoma and other diseases are rising Skin cancer climb.

The statistics for every type of skin cancer are sobering:

  • Invasive melanoma cases diagnosed annually increased by 27% during the last 10 years.
  • The rate of Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) According to the National Library of Medicine, the disease has increased nearly 10% every year across all age groups within the country.
  • Yale Medicine reports that sSquamous cell carcinoma (SCC) has risen to almost 1 million diagnosed cases per 12 months within the United States.
  • Even cases of Merkel cell carcinomathe rare, aggressive skin cancer that caused the singer's recent death Jimmy BuffettIs projected increase to over 3,200 cases per 12 months over the following two years.

Why is that this happening? A new study from McGill University in Montreal can have solved the mystery: Many people might imagine that sunscreen gives them free rein to tan or stay within the sun so long as they need.

“Patients have told me that they think it's safe to tan if they wear sunscreen,” said Dr. James Ralston, president of the Dermatology Center of McKinney in McKinney, Texas. “The reality is that there is no safe way to tan.” . Every time you tan, you damage your skin, which accelerates the aging of your skin and increases your risk of every type of skin cancer.”

Additionally, you might unknowingly increase your risk of skin cancer by doing other things. The reality is that knowledge can prevent many cases of illness. “Skin cancer is one of the most common and also one of the most preventable cancers in the United States,” he said Shanthi Sivendran MD, Senior Vice President of Cancer Treatment Support on the American Cancer Society.

What are the symptoms of skin cancer?

Accordingly MD Anderson Cancer CenterSigns of the disease include:

  • A spot that appears latest in your skin
  • A pre-existing stain that changes color, shape, or size
  • An itchy or painful spot
  • A wound that doesn't heal or crusts over
  • A shiny bump that appears red or is the colour of your skin
  • A rough, scaly area of ​​skin
  • A lesion that has a raised edge, is crusted in the center, or bleeds
  • A growth that appears like a wart
  • A growth that appears like a scar and has an undefined edge

Who is vulnerable to developing skin cancer?

“Melanoma can affect anyone,” Ralston said.

An individual with greater than 50 moles, large moles or atypical moles is at increased risk, he said. You are also at higher risk if you could have a blood relative who has melanoma, is vulnerable to sunburn easily, has red or blonde hair or blue or green eyes, or has a history of excessive sun exposure or indoor tanning . You're also at higher risk in case you've already been diagnosed with skin cancer or have a history of other cancers, resembling breast or thyroid cancer, Ralston said.

When it involves other kinds of skin cancer, “people who have been diagnosed with either basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma have an increased risk of developing skin cancer in the future, including melanoma,” he said.

Let's have a look at five more ways you might be increasing your risk of skin cancer without even realizing it – and easy methods to take the precise steps to stop it.

You don't use enough sunscreen

“People rarely use as much sunscreen as they should,” he says Vivian Bucay, MD, a dermatologist practicing in San Antonio, Texas, and spokesperson for the Skin Cancer Foundation. “To achieve the SPF, you should apply two tablespoons – about a shot glass full – of sunscreen to your entire body and a small nickel-sized drop to your face,” she said.

Cover commonly neglected areas like your eye area, the highest and behind your ears, your hands, and your neck. Don't forget your lips either.
“I advise patients to carry a lip product with SPF so they can reapply it after eating,” Bucay said. “Reapply every 2 hours or immediately after swimming, sweating, or drying off.”

You don't use sunscreen all 12 months round

Many people only wear sunscreen in warm weather. “I've heard patients say they didn't apply sunscreen because it was a cloudy or snowy day,” Ralston says. “Some ultraviolet light passes through clouds and clouds reduce heat. Without this warning feeling of warmth, people are at increased risk of excessive sun exposure UV lightparticularly UVAwhich remains relatively unaffected by cloud cover.”

Anyone who enjoys winter sports can also be in danger. “Snow reflects 80% of the sun’s rays, so it’s easy to get sunburned,” Ralston explains.

Do not wear sunscreen indoors

“There are unexpected ways you can expose yourself to the sun without even realizing it,” Sivendran said. “For example, the sun's rays penetrate through windows, so sitting near a window for long periods of time can increase the risk of skin cancer. To reduce this, it is important to wear sunscreen indoors.”

If you're sitting in a automobile or traveling in a window seat on a plane, bus or train, this rule also applies.

“Standard window glass blocks the transmission of UVB, but not UVA,” Ralston said. “Car windows block some UVA radiation, especially if the windows are tinted. However, even short trips in the car add up over years and cause significant sun damage.”

You are a person

A second latest McGill University study found that men were more prone to doubt the usefulness of sunscreen and fewer prone to have latest moles checked than women.

Men are also more ceaselessly exposed to UV rays through leisure activities and work outdoors. A key factor is outdoor activity: New research The World Health Organization has found that individuals who work within the sun are accountable for one in three deaths from non-melanoma skin cancer. The bottom line is that men should be just as diligent about their each day sun protection.

You don't know your loved ones history

It is very important to inquire about your beloved's medical history with skin cancer, as this information might help protect you and other members of the family. The National Cancer Institute reports that 5 to 10% of all melanomas occur in families with multiple members diagnosed with skin cancer. This signifies that a risk of melanoma could be inherited and that Melanoma Research Alliance has identified certain inherited gene mutations which will increase your risk.

The American Academy of Dermatology says you might profit from genetic testing for melanoma if:

  • You have had three or more melanomas which have spread or grown deep into your skin, especially before the age of 45.
  • If three or more blood relatives on one side of your loved ones have had melanoma or pancreatic cancer.
  • If you could have had two or more atypical moles so-called Spitz nevi.
  • If you could have had a number of Spitz nevi and one in all your close blood relatives has had mesothelioma, meningioma or ocular melanoma.

What is the most effective method to prevent skin cancer every single day?

“Avoiding the sun's harmful rays at peak times – between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. – and seeking shade can reduce your risk,” Sivendran said. “Use one Broad-spectrum, waterproof sun protection with a sun protection factor of at least 30. There are also stylish, lightweight and sun-protective clothing that you can wear all year round.”

Make these movements a habit and you should have no problem staying shielded from the sun.