"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Why it's so hard to lose extra weight and keep it off: The experiences of the largest losers

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For most individuals attempting to reduce weight, it is a struggle. It requires good intentions and plenty of willpower. One reason is that as a way to reduce weight, we're in a way fighting our biology.

As we reduce weight, the body adapts to counteract this by lowering the resting metabolic rate – that's the energy expended at rest, when the body's “engine” slows down. . Lowering the resting metabolic rate is a great idea if there may be an absence of food and weight reduction resulting from hunger. In this example, it is sweet for the body to slow right down to conserve energy and limit further weight reduction.

But this evolutionary adaptation works against you when you're obese or obese, and Excessive Weight is an even bigger threat to your health than hunger.

The experience of The biggest loser.

Researchers have studied weight reduction for many years to find out how the body responds to it. Among these are studies that enrolled participants in television series. The biggest loser.. If you will not be acquainted with it, The biggest loser. is a reality television series during which obese individuals compete to lose as much weight as possible through an intensive program of exercise and dietary changes. A previous study found that after losing plenty of weight, participants The biggest loser. Metabolic rate decreased significantly. But it wasn't clear how long the changes would last or whether or not they predicted weight gain again after the competition ended.

A brand new study of The biggest loser.

Oh A recent study See how the participants The biggest loser. Six years after their 30-week competition. Researchers published in a medical journal obesity It has been found that:

  • At the tip of the competition, the typical weight reduction was about 128 kilos. Since the typical starting weight was about 327 kilos, it is a lack of about 40 percent of body weight.
  • On average, participants experienced a 23 percent decrease in resting metabolic rate.
  • Six years later, the competitors regained a mean of 90 kilos, however the metabolic rate remained significantly lower.
  • There was no direct correlation between the quantity of metabolic slowing and the quantity of weight lost through the show. However, after six years, those that lost essentially the most weight had the best slowdown.

These findings confirm that weight reduction can result in significant changes in metabolism that in turn resist further weight reduction. Also, keeping the load off could be especially difficult because these changes persist over time. Metabolic slowing varies with weight reduction, nevertheless, and will make some people less proof against weight reduction than others.

Now what?

If you're attempting to reduce weight, the outcomes of this study could appear discouraging.

On the opposite hand, there could also be some comfort in knowing that reducing weight can seem to be an uphill battle Is! It's not only that you just're not trying hard enough—your efforts to reduce weight are being actively undermined by your body's biological adaptations that evolved centuries ago and at the moment are yours. are tightly sure in DNA.

You may wonder: Is there a eating regimen, exercise program, or drug that may “reset” your metabolic rate or prevent it from slowing down during weight reduction? In fact, you could have seen books or advertisements for certain foods or supplements that make this claim. Unfortunately, most have little convincing long-term evidence to back them up, or the changes are very small.

The bottom line

Knowing the adaptations your body makes during weight reduction and the way it will possibly frustrate your weight reduction efforts can take the time seem futile. But it just isn't so. Commitment, persistence, and a sustainable plan are good first steps. It also helps to know who you're up against. But competitors The biggest loser. understand it well.