"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

What is Misophonia?

Do certain on a regular basis noises trigger an exaggerated emotional response but still don't appear to trouble anyone?

This is the case with misophonia – a robust dislike or hatred of certain sounds.

Misophonia is a disorder wherein certain sounds trigger emotional or physiological responses that some may find unreasonable under the circumstances. Those that suffer from misophonia might describe it as having a sound that “makes you crazy.” Your reactions can range from anger and annoyance to panic and the urge to flee. The disorder is usually called selective noise sensitivity syndrome.

People with misophonia often report that they're triggered by mouth noises – the sounds someone makes after they eat, breathe, and even chew. Other annoying noises include keyboard or finger typing or the sound of windshield wipers. Sometimes a small, repetitive movement is the cause – someone fidgeting, bumping into you, or shaking their foot.

Likewise, individuals with misophonia say they react steadily to the visual stimuli that accompany sounds and might also react intensely to repetitive movements. Researchers imagine that individuals with misophonia may have already got problems with how their brains filter sounds, and that one in every of the characteristics of “misophonia” could also be their repetitive noise. This repetition then exacerbates the opposite auditory processing problems.

The disorder appears to be mild to severe. Individuals report a variety of physiological and emotional responses with accompanying findings. If you experience a gentle response, you could experience:

  • Fearful
  • Uncomfortable
  • The urge to flee
  • Disgust

If your response is more severe, the noise in query may cause:

  • Fury
  • Fury
  • hate
  • panic
  • fear
  • Emotional stress

The disorder can affect your social life. People with misophonia are known to develop anticipatory anxiety when placed in situations where triggering sounds could also be present. You may avoid restaurants or eat individually out of your spouse, family, or roommates.

Over time, you could also reply to visual triggers. If you see something that could make the offending sound, it might provoke a response.

The age at which this lifelong condition occurs isn't known, but some people report symptoms between the ages of 9 and 13. Misophonia is more common in girls and occurs quickly, even though it doesn't look like related to any specific event.

Doctors aren't sure what causes misophonia, but it surely's not an issue together with your ears. They imagine it is an element mental and part physical. It might be related to how sounds affect your brain and trigger automatic responses in your body.

Since your ears are normal and your hearing is fantastic, it might be difficult for the doctor to diagnose. Misophonia is usually confused with anxiety or bipolar disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder. Some doctors imagine it's a brand new disease.

Doctors are sometimes unaware of the disease and there is no such thing as a consensus regarding classification. Misophonia appears to occur alone and in addition along with other health, developmental, and psychiatric problems.

A groundbreaking study recently found that misophonia is a brain-based disorder. Researchers point to a disruption in connectivity in parts of the brain that process each sound stimulation and the fight-flight response. It also affects parts of the brain that encode the meaning of sounds.

Although the condition affects each day life, you possibly can learn to address it.

Treatment often involves a multidisciplinary approach that mixes sound therapy by audiologists and supportive counseling that emphasizes coping strategies.

You could try a tool like a hearing aid that creates a sound in your ear that resembles a waterfall. The noise distracts you from triggers and reduces reactions.

Other treatments include talk therapy.

Your lifestyle also plays a job. Exercise frequently, get enough sleep and manage your stress. You can even wear earplugs and headsets to dam out noise. Set up quiet or secure places in your private home where nobody is making the noises that trouble you.

And find support. The Misophonia Association relies in Oregon and California and holds an annual meeting for those affected. The International Misophonia Research Network Misophonia-Research.com is a resource for clinicians and researchers who wish to learn more about misophonia. Misophonia International.com offers free resources reminiscent of parent handouts and webinars in partnership with Duke University to people within the US, Canada and the UK

Anyone searching for support and research reports within the UK should give this a try www.allergictosound.com

You can even find online and social media groups where people share coping strategies.