"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

What is inflammation, and why is it dangerous?

Ask the doctors.

Question I've heard quite a bit about inflammation being a health hazard recently, but I'm unsure I actually understand what it's. Can you explain?

Oh When people speak about inflammation, they're actually talking a few perceived injury or infection to your immune system. When you're injured, inflammation is definitely a great thing. The area you injure will develop into red and swollen as a military of helpful white blood cells rush in to fight the infection and enable you heal. When you're exposed to a virus or infection, other parts of your body have the identical response. But sometimes this immune response occurs when it shouldn't. It could be triggered, for instance, if you find yourself exposed to toxins, and other causes resembling chronic stress, obesity, and autoimmune disorders. In these cases, as a substitute of correcting the issue, after which returning to normal, the inflammation persists over time. It is assumed that this chronic state of inflammation can result in quite a few health problems, including heart disease, arthritis, depression, Alzheimer's disease, and even cancer.

To combat this damaging chronic inflammation, select the suitable food plan, avoiding things that may trigger chronic inflammation, including pork, refined carbohydrates (resembling white bread and muffins), fried foods and sweets. Beverages. Instead, select green leafy vegetables and fruits, nuts, fatty fish and olive oil. Also concentrate on getting enough exercise, getting enough sleep, and keeping stress under control.

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