"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

How to reset your internal clock to combat jet lag

A couple of easy steps may help reduce the sleep disturbances and anxiety that may occur while you cross multiple time zones.

Photo: faithiecannoise/iStock

What happens during jet lag?

Reducing jet lag

If your destination is barely a zone or two away, you might only must make minor adjustments, corresponding to eating, going to bed, and waking up a little bit earlier or later than usual. If you're crossing multiple time zones, you'll be able to try the next:

Switch to the brand new time step by step. For several days before you allow, step by step move mealtimes and bedtimes closer to your destination's schedule. Even a partial switch may help.

Stay hydrated. During the flight, drink loads of fluids, but no caffeine or alcohol. Caffeine and alcohol can dehydrate you, which worsens the symptoms of jet lag. They may disturb your sleep.

Change your bedtime as soon as possible after arrival. Don't go in until it's bedtime in the brand new time zone.

Use the sun to enable you adjust. If you want to rise up early to your destination, get out within the sun early within the morning. If you would like to rise up later than home, wait until late afternoon to exit within the sun.

Dinner time

A fast fix for jet lag?

It has been theorized that the same mechanism may occur in humans and that a brief fast may trigger a rapid restoration of circadian rhythms. Dr. Sapper recommends a 12- to 16-hour fast the day before and throughout the trip. For example, when you're taking a flight from New York City to Honolulu, you'll avoid eating for just a few hours before takeoff and throughout the flight, but eat a great meal as soon because it's convenient after landing. will This technique has not been tested in clinical trials, but there are numerous praises within the media for its effectiveness.

If you would like to try it, it's a great idea to ascertain together with your doctor to see if it's best for you. And you'll still must drink water during your flight — not caffeinated drinks, juice or alcohol.

No material on this site, no matter date, must be used as an alternative choice to direct medical advice out of your doctor or other qualified practitioner.