"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Do individuals who have COVID-19 develop other illnesses?

Ask the doctor.

Is it true that individuals usually tend to develop other illnesses after recovering from COVID-19?

Oh As we discussed in our January 2021 issue, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 can permanently damage the lungs, heart muscle, kidneys, brain, and other organs. In addition, some people (often called “long haulers”) who recuperate from the worst symptoms of COVID could also be left with debilitating fatigue, difficulty pondering, and other symptoms which might be common at work or at home. It makes it difficult to do.

As if this suffering weren't enough, it's becoming clear that individuals who recuperate from Covid are at increased risk of a wide range of other diseases. A study published online April 22, 2021 by the journal The nature The 73,000 US veterans who survived Covid were compared with nearly 5 million non-hospitalized veterans, and with one other large group with pneumonia attributable to influenza. Both comparison groups were much like the COVID group when it comes to age, sex, race and ethnicity, neighborhood where they lived, past medical history, use of medical services, and other measures. All groups were followed for a median of 4 months. During that point, individuals who “recovered” from COVID were more prone to develop latest health problems — including heart attacks, hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, inflammation of their muscles, and blood clots. Clots that travel to their lungs. The risk of dying in the course of the study was 60% higher for the COVID patients. Something in regards to the way the body reacted to the coronavirus made people more vulnerable to illnesses even after the symptoms attributable to the virus had subsided. Although the chance of those diseases was highest amongst those that were most in poor health with COVID, even those that were mildly in poor health were at high risk.

And a British study published online April 6, 2021. Lancet Psychiatry The 236,000 COVID patients were in comparison with a good larger number of people that had experienced other respiratory infections in the course of the same time period, and who were otherwise an identical. During the six months after “recovery” from COVID, the risks of several brain conditions — stroke from clots or hemorrhage and psychosis — were high. Each of those conditions can occur while someone is sick with COVID, nevertheless it was surprising to learn that the chance increases even after the symptoms of COVID (pneumonia, fever, lack of smell, etc.) have subsided. stays intact.

Bottom line: COVID is more dangerous to your health than we thought. Available vaccines provide very strong protection. With 150 million people within the United States already vaccinated, we are able to say with confidence that serious unwanted effects are rare. If you've gotten not yet been vaccinated, you've gotten a responsibility to yourself, your loved ones and friends, and your community.

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