"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

What is existential fear? Causes, effects and tips on how to take care of them

If you may have ever thought in regards to the meaning of life, you may have something in common with the nice historical philosophers. Maybe you've come to the conclusion that folks need to offer their lives meaning. If so, you agree with the existentialist philosophers. However, taking responsibility for your individual life may be scary. It might make you anxious or nervous. Some people check with these feelings as existential dread.

Existentialism is just not an organized movement. It has its roots in ancient philosophy, but only got here into play through the time of the 2 world wars. Thinkers sought to grasp the horrors of war. It's no wonder that the answers they found were neither easy nor convenient.

Existentialism assumes that life is initially meaningless. Individuals must create their very own meaning. They do that by living an authentic life, a life that's true to their very own beliefs and values.

A philosophy that views life as meaningless could seem incompatible with religious beliefs. But while some necessary existentialists were atheists, others were deeply religious. Many individuals who struggle with the large questions of existentialism can resolve them with their religious beliefs.

When you are feeling despair and uncertainty when you concentrate on your life, you might be experiencing what some call existential dread.

Symptoms of existential anxiety include:

  • Fear. You could also be nervous in regards to the future or have fears that are usually not related to a selected concern.
  • depression. You may feel guilty in regards to the past or feel hopeless in regards to the future.
  • Loneliness or isolation. You may feel like nobody understands you or really cares about you.
  • Lack of motivation or energy. Feeling like nothing is sensible, it's possible you'll surrender activities you once enjoyed.
  • Obsessive thoughts. You may end up asking yourself the identical questions over and once more without arriving at a solution.

If you query the meaning of life without finding good answers, it's possible you'll end up in an existential crisis. An existential crisis is just not a mental illness, but it's possible you'll must seek treatment in case your crisis makes you are feeling particularly anxious or depressed. If you experience suicidal thoughts, seek help immediately.

Certain events can trigger an existential crisis, particularly events in these two categories:

Events that change your life. Major life events could cause you to rethink your beliefs and values. Positive events also can have an effect. You may experience a crisis after:

Events that threaten your life. If you may have had a serious illness, it's possible you'll be questioning your outlook on life. Sometimes a loved one's illness has the identical effect. Accidents and injuries also can have an effect, as can experiencing a natural disaster or major social change.

Some experts classify existential crises in keeping with the phases of life wherein they occur.

Sophomore crisis. This crisis occurs within the late teens or early 20s. This might be profession paths or personal relationships. High-achieving people could also be more prone to experience a crisis of their second yr of school.

Existential crisis for adults. This crisis often occurs in individuals with established careers. These may be complex issues. You could also be questioning your religious beliefs or lack of such beliefs. You could have doubts about your sexual identity or the way you express your sexuality.

Later existential crisis. As you become old, it's possible you'll wonder what legacy you'll leave behind. You may wonder if you may have achieved anything truly useful. Illness or impending death can trigger a late existential crisis, however the existential crisis is just not really about these events. Instead, it's about evaluating your life as a complete.

These examples show how life events and periods of life can trigger feelings of existential fear:

  • An older one that isn't any longer needed by relations may lose motivation and not feel inner joy.
  • An individual diagnosed with cancer could have a fear of death and fear of undergoing treatment.
  • A one that has made mistakes previously may feel guilt and the pain of knowing that the past can't be modified.
  • An individual battling substance abuse may feel isolated from others.

Some people can take care of an existential crisis alone. Sometimes you get used to the changes which have taken place in your life. Sometimes you make changes that bring your life more consistent with your values.

Others need assistance getting through a crisis. If you proceed to experience anxiety, depression, and other symptoms, it's possible you'll need counseling or psychiatric help. There isn't any single best type of therapy for an existential crisis, but various counseling approaches may be helpful.

There are many things you'll be able to do on your individual to ease existential dread, however it may take time to search out those that will help. Try these strategies and persist with those that work:

  • Understand that an existential crisis may be a possibility for growth.
  • Get in contact with others and strengthen your social contacts.
  • Write in a journal. A gratitude journal may be particularly helpful.
  • Make sure you may have a very good work-life balance and likewise find time for hobbies.
  • Don't relive old mistakes.
  • Practice mindfulness by fully experiencing the current.

Most persons are capable of manage their feelings of existential dread. Sometimes the emotions may even disappear completely. However, they often return, especially when life changes.

If your feelings persist, there could also be an underlying medical condition that's complicating your situation. Bipolar disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are two conditions that would make it tougher to beat an existential crisis.