"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Type 2 diabetes can increase your risk of uterine cancer

17 August 2023 — Cervical cancer is essentially the most common style of Cervical cancerIt is estimated that greater than 66,000 women within the United States alone shall be diagnosed with any such cancer in 2023. New research now suggests that type 2 diabetes could also be a risk factor for the disease.

A new study from the United Kingdom found that ladies with type 2 diabetes have a 1.5% higher risk of dying from uterine cancer. This is vital because traditionally Gynecological cancers can often be treated successfullyincluding stage I endometrial cancer, through surgery.

Risk factors Factors liable for uterine cancer include a lady's family history, obesity, early menstruation, late menopause, never having been pregnant, having had previous breast or ovarian cancer, and taking medications similar to hormone alternative therapy. Lynch syndromeCarrying a certain genetic mutation also puts a lady at high risk.

People with type 2 diabetes were shown have a worse prognosis by way of survival rates than other patients with uterine cancer. Chinese researchers have reported that this will be because uterine cancer can grow and turn into more invasive when blood sugar is high, a trademark of type 2 diabetes.

“Type 2 diabetes is associated with a phenomenon called insulin resistance. This happens because the body no longer responds to insulin as strongly as before. This leads to more insulin being produced to properly regulate the body's use of sugar,” said Christina Annunziata, MD, PhDSenior Vice President for Extramural Discovery Sciences on the American Cancer Society and a medical oncologist specializing in female malignancies in Fairfax, VA.

More British research found that ladies with type 2 diabetes have a 62 percent higher risk of developing uterine cancer in the primary place. The researchers say insulin resistance may promote the expansion of cancer cells in these patients.

The average age of patients on this study was 66 years. Older women generally have the next risk of uterine cancer, but older women with diabetes ought to be especially aware of their risk.

“I think our results suggest that being a postmenopausal woman with diabetes may also be a risk factor for uterine cancer,” said the study's co-author. Dr Emma Crosbie, Professor of Gynaecological Oncology on the University of Manchester within the UK

What are the symptoms of uterine cancer?

The symptoms of Endometrial cancer include:

  • Abnormal uterine bleeding: spotting or bleeding after menopause or between periods

If uterine cancer is advanced, the next symptoms may occur:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Pelvic pain
  • Flatulence
  • A full stomach shortly after eating
  • Intestinal changes
  • Changes in urinary tract infection

What are the symptoms of type 2 diabetes?

Symptoms of type 2 could be very mild. Notable diabetes symptoms include:

  • Frequent urge to urinate
  • Additional thirst
  • Especially hungry
  • Severe fatigue
  • Blurred vision
  • Cuts or bruises that take an extended time to heal

Prevention of uterine cancer in diabetes

A brand new Korean study emphasizes the importance of physicians rigorously screening diabetic patients for uterine cancer and recommending effective prevention strategies.

Women should see their doctor for normal check-ups and discuss genetic testing if appropriate, especially in women with a high prevalence of uterine cancer within the family.

It isn't too early for a girl to scale back her risk of uterine cancer, especially if she has type 2 diabetes. The National Cancer Institute reported that Endometrial hyperplasiai.e. a pathological thickening of the uterus, can grow to be uterine cancer. It is subsequently necessary to detect and treat it quickly.

Other preventive measures which may be helpful:

  • Breastfeeding
  • Taking prescription contraception pills or using a hormonal contraceptive similar to an IUD
  • Do not smoke

Medications can be helpful.

“A woman with type 2 diabetes may ask her doctor about medications that can 'sensitize' her to insulin and potentially lower the sugar and insulin levels in her body,” Annunziata said.

In addition, patients may do rather a lot themselves.

“Lifestyle changes can also improve the body’s utilization of sugar,” Annunziata said.

Moderate physical activity helps lower blood sugar levels. Eating foods with a low glycemic index – that's, fewer sugary and processed foods – also helps.

These changes might help patients feel higher – and live long, healthy lives.