"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

The weight problem of heart disease

Heart disease stays the leading reason behind death in men, accounting for one in 4 deaths. But there may be excellent news. The prevalence of heart disease amongst men has declined over the past decade, from 8.3 percent in 2009 to 7.2 percent in 2018.

Now the not-so-good news: Men's heart disease rates have declined lately, and the 2022 report Journal of the American College of Cardiology They are predicted to extend significantly by 2060. Reason? We are getting too fat.

The report also found that the combined rates of obesity and sort 2 diabetes (for which weight gain is a serious contributor) would surpass all other risk aspects for heart disease.

“The hope is that by identifying this trend, more men can take steps to manage their weight and hopefully slow or reverse weight gain,” says Dr. Cannon. are

Reading scale

According to the CDC, greater than 70 percent of adults within the United States are obese or obese. Obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher, while a BMI of 25 to 29.9 indicates that somebody is obese. (BMI is a measure of weight in relation to height; you may calculate your individual at /bmi.)

Being obese can raise blood pressure, raise levels of cholesterol, and cause widespread inflammation, which increases the danger of heart attack and stroke. Being obese also makes the body more proof against insulin, the hormone that helps move glucose (sugar) from the blood into the body's cells. This can raise blood sugar levels and eventually result in type 2 diabetes. And individuals with diabetes are twice as more likely to have a heart attack or stroke as people without the disease.

However, even in case you usually are not officially obese or obese, you must control the size and your waistline. “People below the BMI line for being overweight are still at risk for heart disease, because it's easy to add a few pounds without noticing, and it can send you off in the wrong direction,” says Dr. Cannon. ” says Dr. Cannon. Even a modest lack of 2% to five% of your body weight is related to heart health advantages, including lower blood pressure, blood sugar, and triglyceride levels, he added.

When do you would like medicine?

People who struggle with weight reduction despite making lifestyle changes may profit from taking one among the newer anti-obesity medications. These pharmaceuticals are indicated for the treatment of obesity (defined as a body mass index, or BMI, of 30 or more) and other people with a BMI of 27 or more who even have a weight-related medical condition. Like hypertension, type 2 diabetes. , or high cholesterol. Although there are 10 FDA-approved anti-obesity drugs within the United States, older agents offer only moderate weight reduction, says Dr. Christopher Cannon, a cardiologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital. However, some newly approved drugs, referred to as glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists, which were originally developed to treat diabetes, could also be effective. Examples include semaglutide (Vigovi) and tarzeptide (Monjaro). Downside: They're expensive, and medical health insurance may not cover the fee.

Bringing change

While America's weight gain can't be fully explained by consuming too many calories and exercising too little, they're two aspects that folks can control. Still, this is not any easy feat. For example, health problems and physical limitations could make weight reduction activities a challenge. And many men don't consistently follow healthy eating plans or keep track of high-calorie food intake.

“Men need to equip themselves with the right tools to be successful in weight loss and weight management,” says Dr. Cannon.

One tool advisable by Dr. Cannon is a hospital-based weight management program. Here, men work with a team of doctors, nutritionists, exercise physiologists, life coaches, and counselors to develop weight reduction goals and methods.

Programs typically include weekly group sessions and regular check-ins via phone, text or Zoom. This period can range from several months to a 12 months and more, depending on the person's weight reduction needs.

Ask in case your doctor's practice or clinic offers weight reduction interventions or programs that support weight management. Also, contact your medical health insurance company and inquire concerning the programs your plan covers.

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