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The Link Between Anemia and Alzheimer's: What You Should Know

July 11, 2023 – Approx 10% of people over 65 in the United States have anemiaor an absence of iron within the blood. This is a very important statistic because researchers now consider that anemia could have a big connection to it Alzheimer's disease or AD.

A new Chinese study of over 300,000 people found that anemia is related to a 56% higher risk of dementia. Furthermore a new study from the University of Kansas found that iron could be “deposited” within the brains of Alzheimer's patients, causing a deficiency that may then result in the disease worsening more quickly.

According to the Cleveland ClinicIf you have got iron deficiency anemia, it means your body doesn't have enough iron to make hemoglobin, a substance in your red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout your system. It occurs when your body uses iron faster than it could possibly make or when iron flow slows down. Blood loss from internal bleeding, heavy menstruation, or frequent blood tests can result in iron deficiency anemia. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, bone marrow diseases, autoimmune diseases and inadequate nutrition can even contribute. In fact, in older people, the explanation for the disease is commonly that they don't eat enough.

There are a variety of ways anemia can damage the brain and speed up cognitive dysfunction.

“Alzheimer’s disease causes nerve cell death with deterioration in memory and thinking skills, as well as behavioral and personality changes,” he said Allison B. Reiss, MDAssociate Professor of Medicine at NYU Long Island School of Medicine in Mineola, NY, and a member of the Medical, Scientific and Memory Screening Advisory Board of the Alzheimer's Foundation of America. “Iron deficiency can impair processes in the brain that affect neurotransmitters and the formation of myelin, a protein that forms a protective insulating layer around nerves.”

The Alzheimer's Association The principal risk aspects cited for the disease include being age 65 or older, a family history of Alzheimer's, a head injury or poor heart health. However, anyone can suffer from anemia, and everybody should take into consideration Alzheimer's prevention. Here's all the pieces it is advisable to find out about anemia and Alzheimer's and the connection between the 2.

What are the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease?

According to the National Institute on AgingThe symptoms of the disease can appear in three different stages.

Mild Alzheimer's symptoms may include:

  • Memory loss
  • Poor decision making
  • Loss of motivation
  • Don't know where you might be
  • It takes a protracted time to finish familiar tasks
  • Always ask questions
  • Forgot latest information
  • Problems coping with funds
  • It's hard to resolve problems
  • Getting lost
  • Hike
  • Mood or personality changes
  • Becoming anxious or behaving aggressively

Moderate Alzheimer's symptoms may include:

  • Increasing confusion and difficulty remembering
  • Withdrawing from family and friends
  • Difficulties with learning, speaking, reading, writing and arithmetic
  • Problems with logic and concentration
  • Changes in sleep
  • I find it difficult to take care of latest situations
  • Not recognizing familiar people
  • Delusions, hallucinations, paranoia or inappropriate behavior
  • Restlessness, annoyance or bouts of crying
  • Saying the identical thing over and once more or making repetitive movements
  • Muscle twitching

Severe Alzheimer's symptoms can include:

  • Unable to speak
  • Not being aware of where you might be or what you have got recently done.
  • Loss of appetite or weight reduction
  • Problems with feet, skin or teeth
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Making noises similar to moaning, grunting, or groaning
  • Sleep more
  • have seizures
  • Loss of bowel and bladder control

What are the symptoms of anemia?

According to the Mayo ClinicSymptoms of iron deficiency anemia include:

  • Great tiredness and weakness
  • Skin that's pale
  • Feeling dizzy or weak or having a headache
  • Chest pain, shortness of breath, or a sense that your heart is thrashing fast
  • Cold extremities or brittle nails
  • A swollen, painful tongue
  • Craving unusual things like ice cream
  • Lose your appetite

How is anemia related to Alzheimer's disease?

One established theory This is as a result of iron's essential function in supplying oxygen to the brain. Iron deficiency can result in brain deterioration.

“The brain relies on good blood flow to receive nutrition and oxygen. Nerve cells have a high need for oxygen. When a person has severe anemia, their red blood cells may not carry enough oxygen to the brain, leading to anemia Hypoxia (not enough oxygen to the tissues) and damage the brain, especially if hypoxia persists for a long period of time,” Reiss said. “If a person already has dementia of any kind, AD, or early stages such as mild cognitive impairment, anemia may worsen the symptoms and accelerate the destructive process. Anemia can lead to changes in small blood vessels in the brain that affect the ability of oxygen to reach all structures.” Additionally, other aspects may play a task.

“Anemia also reduces cerebral glucose metabolism, the brain’s energy production mechanism, and poor brain metabolism is a known feature of AD,” Reiss said.

Inflammatory molecules in some forms of anemia could also cause Alzheimer's disease to worsen more quickly.

“The link between anemia and Alzheimer's is not necessarily due to the anemia itself, but rather the inflammation it can cause,” he said Kyle Womack, MDProfessor of Neurology within the Division of Aging and Dementia at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. “Anemia may not trigger the cascade that causes Alzheimer’s, but it could be involved in the impairment.”

Certain forms of iron deficiency, similar to: Anemia of inflammationcan prevent your body from using stored iron to make healthy red blood cells.

If you have got anemia, do you have to get checked for Alzheimer's?

Israeli researchers reported that the more severe the anemia, the upper the danger of dementia and deterioration in considering ability in older people. Still, this study suggests that mild cases of anemia must be recognized in order that treatment could reverse the danger of dementia.

“If a patient has anemia and that person – or more commonly a family member of that person – notices that their behavior seems a little off, it is important to let that person know [doctor]“Very often a person with Alzheimer’s does not notice that their behavior is changing. In such a case, the anemia could be acute, so it is very important not to put blinders on about it – you have to act quickly.”

A comprehensive physical examination is critical, and cardiac testing should be an integral part of an evaluation. “Heart health and brain health are closely linked, and anemia can cause significant damage to the heart and cardiovascular system, which in turn can be harmful to the brain and lead to worsening dementia,” Reiss said.

A patient should also be tested to find out if and/or how they are losing blood.

The excellent news: Treatment because anemia can be simple. Your doctor may adjust your diet so that you eat more iron-rich foods such as more meat, fish, poultry, leafy greens, beans, yeast-filled bread products, and iron-fortified grains, pasta, and bread. Iron supplements can also make a big difference in correcting anemia and potentially stopping cognitive damage.

Reiss puts it succinctly: “Although there is no cure for AD, treating anemia and making lifestyle changes to optimize brain health can be helpful.”