"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

One in five 18- to 24-year-olds don't wash their hands at festivals. Here's what it’s good to find out about hand hygiene.

Like making best friends with strangers in the subsequent tent, peeing in cups because you possibly can't face the queues for portaloos and using wet wipes as an alternative choice to a shower, getting a bit of dirty is an element of the summer festival experience. is an element. But, even for those who can't wash your hair for days – irrespective of what condition it's in – and your face is in the identical glow through the festival, there may be one rule that you must follow. Must-do for those who want your festival experience to be as fun as possible: Wash your hands often.

You might think this could go without saying – however it doesn't. In 2023, a UK survey of 1,500 18- to 24-year-old festival goers found that 22 percent of youth Do not wash their hands while they're on the festival, even in the event that they are there for days. An extra 26% said they only wash their hands once a day – and 31% admitted they don't even wash their hands after going to the bathroom.

Most participants suggested that queues for facilities – or lack of facilities – were the explanation they didn't wash their hands. But, in lots of, very large studies—when facilities can be found— Only 51 percent of people Wash your hands after using the bathroom. Even through the Covid pandemic, only 42% of university students within the UK reported washing their hands “mostly” or “always” when really useful.

So, while a scarcity of facilities at festivals could also be a part of the issue, there's clearly quite a bit more occurring.

Hand washing seems really easy – and quick – to do, but Research shows Those bad habits, being in a rush and having other priorities are all the reason why many individuals still don't wash their hands. According to a 2022 study in Canada, Some 18- to 25-year-olds reported a perception that washing hands in dirty areas would contaminate hands greater than skipping hand washing altogether.

Other participants said they “forgot” to scrub their hands. University students sometimes had “unrealistic optimism”, believing that the infection had happened to other people but was unlikely to occur to them.

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Whether the shortage or lack of amenities is the explanation for dirty hands or the standard rules of hygiene don't appear to suit the happy-go-lucky lifestyle of festival life, festival-goers should still watch out about washing their messes. Even in the event that they happily ignore every other a part of their body. Why? Because dirty hands can end the fun quickly.

hand hygiene, Wash hands with soap and using water or Wine hand gel Helps prevent infectious diseases, including those related to diarrhea, respiratory infections and the flu. The pandemic reminded us of the link between hand hygiene and infection – and that we're not washing our hands often, well, or long enough.

Dealing with lack of amenities or dirty amenities is fairly easy for those who follow these easy suggestions:

Pack loads of alcohol hand gel.. And keep it with you through the festival. People got into the habit of carrying hand sanitizer through the pandemic, and gel is now available. Although it shouldn't be effective on some pests, including Noroviruswhich causes diarrhea – much more painful In a festival Compared to doing Wash your hands Regularly – This is best than soap and water at removing most bacteria.

Always wash your hands after using the bathroom.. Hundreds, possibly hundreds of persons are using these restrooms – most of them without washing their hands – so keep yourself glad and healthy by disinfecting your hands thoroughly afterwards.

Always wash your hands before eating.. Festival food often involves food you eat together with your hands, equivalent to burgers, burritos, or pizza. To be certain that you don't pick up stomach bugs, at all times sanitize your hands beforehand.

Wash your hands with bottled water.. Most festival-goers carry bottled drinking water. Although it's less effective than using soap, the friction created by rubbing hands under water not only removes physical and visual dirt, but also can loosen bacteria from the hands for laundry. Most festivals have water stations to top up bottles. Don't forget that water bottles themselves can harbor bacteria. Rinsing and rubbing the bottle while filling also can solve this problem.

Festival-goers can clean their hands without wasting a second of their favorite activities by carrying their very own supply of hand sanitizer – in any case, those that wish to queue for the facilities while they watch Dua Lipa Dekh. will need to have been For festival organizers, it may be helpful to distribute hand washing reminder stickers at key locations equivalent to food outlets, portaloos and mobile taps.

And food outlets should keep a bottle of hand gel on the counter for patrons to make use of – the least they'll do for purchasers given the costs charged at festivals.

But what about those festival goers who think “it won't happen to me”? Well, infections can – and do – occur to younger people, although they usually tend to get well quickly. old people.

Remember your festival mantra: Clean your hands, avoid getting infected, and have a good time – not runs.