"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Neurotic behavior (neurosis): symptoms, causes and treatment

Many people experience anxiety once in a while. You might get a knot in your stomach before a job interview, worry about money, or worry in case your child isn't home during curfew. It's a standard a part of being human.

But what in case your extreme worries don't go away? Negative or obsessive thoughts can dominate your mind to the purpose where you'll be able to barely deal with on a regular basis situations. This is known as neurotic behavior. It can – but not all the time – be a mental illness.

Neurotic means you've a neurosis. This word has been used for the reason that 18th century to explain drastic and irrational mental, emotional or physical reactions. Essentially, neurotic behavior is an automatic, unconscious try and take care of deep fear.

In 1980, the American Psychiatric Association removed the term neurosis from its diagnostic manual as a part of a revision to standardize criteria for mental illness. Nowadays, neurosis is just not an independent psychological condition. Instead, doctors often assign the symptoms to the identical category as an anxiety disorder. In other words, what was once known as neurosis now falls under the term anxiety.

The line that separates the neurotic from the conventional is intensity. Neurotic thoughts and behaviors are, by definition, so extreme that they interfere along with your personal, skilled, and romantic life. Additionally, they are frequently your default response to even minor problems.

Common behavior: You're anxious about completing an enormous project at work on time.

Neurotic behavior: You fixate on the deadline and groan, “I will never Get this done!”, even when the due date isn’t due for months and you've little else to do.

Common behavior: You need to be on the airport 2 hours before each flight.

Neurotic behavior: You insist on arriving 4 hours early after which ask the gate agent every 10 minutes if the departure is on time.

Common behavior: Your previous spouse was unfaithful and you might be cautious about latest relationships.

Neurotic behavior: You continuously ask your latest partner if he's cheating on you after which blame yourself for driving him away.

Sometimes neurotic behaviors arise since you literally have a neurotic personality. Also called neuroticism, it's a personality type and never a diagnosable medical problem. Experts call it one among the “Big Five” personality traits (the others are extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to experience), a set of common traits which can be most typical around the globe.

A neurotic personality has little natural buffer against stress. You see on a regular basis situations as far worse than they are surely after which blame yourself on your extreme pessimism and negativity. You might continuously feel:

  • Irritated
  • Angry
  • Sad
  • Guilty
  • Worried
  • Hostile
  • self-consciousness
  • Vulnerable

Neurotic behavior can be attributable to psychological problems. A neurotic personality could make you more vulnerable to developing what researchers call “internalizing disorders,” reminiscent of:

Neurotic personality or behaviors don't include delusions or hallucinations, that are symptoms of a psychotic disorder wherein one loses touch with reality. Instead, you obsess over your personal negative emotions and failures, whether real or imagined.

Researchers imagine there's a connection between neurotic personality and your genes that would pave the way in which for brand new treatments for anxiety or depression.

People with neurotic personalities usually tend to smoke, abuse alcohol and other drugs, have eating disorders, lack social support, and get divorced.

At the identical time, a healthy dose of neurotic tendencies will be useful. Someone with a balanced personality can channel the fear of a deadline at work into turning it into a chance for a promotion or collaboration with colleagues. Or concerns about your health might motivate you to eat healthy and exercise.

Managing your anxiety and stress might help curb your neurotic behavior. Self-treatment may go in case your anxiety is mild and transient. Experts recommend you:

Exercise every day. half-hour is best, but even a 15-minute walk can show you how to feel higher.

Talk to someone. Tell family and friends what's causing your anxiety and allow them to know the way they might help.

Getting enough sleep. Lack of sleep can increase anxiety and stress. Try closing your eyes for 8 hours every night.

Reduce alcohol consumption and caffeine. They can even make anxiety worse. Drink water as an alternative.

Eat balanced meals. Healthy meals and snacks boost your energy. Make sure to eat every meal: breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Reframe your thoughts. It's not all the time easy, but try to exchange negative thoughts with positive ones. Ask yourself: Is what I'm anxious about really as bad as I feel?

Write it down. Track what triggers your anxiety after which search for patterns. Learn methods to handle it higher next time.

If these measures don't help or you're feeling that anxiety is interfering along with your life, confer with your doctor.