"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Marijuana use and binge drinking reach record levels

August 18, 2023 – Young adults reported their highest levels of marijuana use ever in 2022, and middle-aged adults reported their highest levels of alcohol use ever, in response to results of an annual study.

Among 19- to 30-year-olds, 44 percent said that they had used marijuana previously yr, a record high. More than one in ten said they used the drug each day – also a record high. One in five young adults said that they had vaped marijuana previously yr, and one in 4 said that they had vaped nicotine. These figures also marked record highs.

Meanwhile, adults ages 35 to 50 reported record levels of marijuana and hallucinogen use, in addition to the very best rates of binge drinking — five or more drinks in a row — ever recorded.

In 2022, 29% of middle-aged adults reported having five or more drinks in a row previously two weeks. 28% of middle-aged adults reported using marijuana previously yr, and 4% reported using hallucinogens resembling LSD, MDMA, mushrooms, or psilocybin, mescaline, or peyote.

The results also showed that the usage of cigarettes, tranquilizers and prescription opioids for non-medical reasons continued to say no.

The study entitled Monitoring the futureannually surveys substance use and attitudes amongst people ages 19 to 60 using online and paper surveys. People who take part in the study are contacted again in subsequent years to update their responses.

In 2022, 4,628 people between the ages of 19 and 30 and 5,450 adults between the ages of 35 and 50 responded.

“Behavior and public perceptions of drug use can change rapidly due to drug availability and other factors,” said researcher Megan Patrick, PhD, of the University of Michigan in a opinion“It is important to track this so that health workers and communities are prepared to respond.”