"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Many suicides are related to gambling. How can we cope with this problem?

Whether you're watching TV, attending a footy game, or eating in your local pub, gambling is difficult to avoid. While the gambling boom will not be unique to Australia, it's. Become the norm As an element of Australian culture.

While for some, gambling could be a source of entertainment, for others, it may result in significant losses.

Gambling and mental illness

Research consistently shows gambling problems. Often occurs simultaneously Other common mental illnesses and substance use disorders. We see particularly strong links between gambling disorders and nicotine dependence, alcohol use disorders, mood disorders similar to depression, and anxiety.

In many cases, gambling-related harms result in mental health disorders. But individuals are experimenting. Mental illness There can be the next risk of developing gambling problems.

Gambling harms exist on a spectrum. For a while, the main focus has been on those that a Gambling disorderwhere they experience recurrent problems with gambling, causing clinically significant distress and impairment of their every day lives.

But we must also have a look at those that are on a distinct end of the spectrum, still experiencing. Gambling related losses.

An individual will not be diagnosed with a gambling disorder, but they might still experience problems of their lives in consequence of gambling. These may include problems of their relationships, financial debt, and negative effects on work or study. All of this stuff can result in mental health problems.

Gambling and suicide.

Feelings of stress and isolation, possibly attributable to mental illness, may cause some individuals with gambling problems to feel like there isn't a way out.

research Studies from different countries have shown that 22% to 81% of individuals receiving treatment for a gambling problem have thought of suicide and seven% to 30% have attempted it.

Some 44% Australian veterans Those with gambling problems have thought of suicide, while about 20 percent have planned or attempted suicide.

Gambling problems may cause significant distress.
Marjan Apostolovic/Shutterstock

Recent Victorian Investigations Gambling-related suicides Records from the Coroners Court of Victoria between 2009 and 2016 were reviewed. The researchers found that gambling-related suicides accounted for a minimum of 4 per cent of all suicides in Victoria during this era, or about 200 suicides.

Gambling-related suicides affected males (83%) in comparison with total suicide deaths in Victoria (75%) over the identical period. They were significantly more prone to occur amongst those that were most disadvantaged.

Researchers note that these statistics underestimate the true variety of gambling-related suicides. This is because, unlike drugs and alcohol, there's currently. There is no systematic way Gambling is held to be a significant component in suicide deaths.

When we also keep in mind the number of people that have considered suicide, or survived a gambling-related suicide attempt, we are able to see that the issue is significantly larger than these statistics indicate. .

Gambling is inherently dangerous.

Electronic gaming machines, commonly often called “pokies” in Australia, are the products most strongly related to harmful gambling. Evidence suggests that only pokies are answerable for this. More than half All gambling problems in Australia.

Casino table games are only as dangerous, but contribute much less to problem gambling in the overall population because fewer people play them.

Although gambling itself comes with a level of risk, individual weaknesses can put some people at greater risk of harm. As well as with people Mental illness, Men are more at risk of gambling problems in comparison with women. People who're Single or Divorced? Married individuals are at higher risk than married people. There are individuals with higher levels of income and education Low risk.

what can we do?

Angela Rintoul, lead creator of the aforementioned Victorian research, published an article this week. Medical Journal of Australia In which he argued that gambling-related suicides may very well be prevented.

He suggested that health professionals could make it a part of their routine practice to ask easy questions similar to “In the past 12 months, have you ever felt that you had a gambling problem?”. Or, “Has anyone commented that you might have a gambling problem?”.

Rintoul also discussed strategies that governments could adopt, similar to a whole ban on gambling promoting, and a universal account registration system to limit people's gambling losses.

People are playing table games at the casino.
There are many various types of gambling.

To reduce gambling-related suicides, we want to have a look at Change in policy. In June 2023, a cross-party committee presented A report With 31 recommendations to cut back online gambling losses in Australia.

One of those recommendations was a comprehensive ban on online gambling promoting. But the federal government The answer is yet to be answered. to the report.

Advice for Gamblers

For those that decide to gamble, it's important to pay attention to the risks. Understand how gambling and Poker machines really work.And that they exist to generate profits for the venue owners, not to offer winnings to the players.

If you select to gamble, set a limit on the sum of money you might be willing to lose, or how much time you'll spend gambling. gave Low Risk Gambling Guidelines Australians are advised to follow these three recommendations:

  • Gambling not more than 2% of your take home pay.

  • Gambling not more than once per week.

  • Do not take part in greater than two various kinds of gambling.

If you notice that you just are eager about gambling increasingly, or that it's causing problems in any a part of your life, it's important to hunt help early. Talk to your GP about how you'll be able to get some extra help, or visit Gambling help online.