"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Human skin stood as much as the sun higher before there have been sunscreens and parasols – an anthropologist explains why

Man has a conflicting relationship with the sun. People love the sun, but then it gets hot. Sweat within the eyes. Then there are all the security rituals: sunscreen, hats, sunglasses. If you've been outside for too long or haven't taken enough precautions, your skin can inform you about an offended sunburn. First heat, then pain, then regret.

Were people at all times obsessive about what the sun would do to their bodies? As a biological anthropologist As someone who has studied primate adaptations to their environment, I can inform you that the short answer is “no” and so they didn't need to. For a few years, the skin was exposed to the sun.

Soon, between you and the world

Humans evolved under the sun. Sunlight was a relentless in people's lives, warming and guiding them through the times and seasons. Much of our prehistory and history was spent outdoors, mostly naked. The skin was the first interface between our ancestors' bodies and the world.

Human skin was adapted to the conditions during which it found itself. When people found them, they took shelter in caves and rock shelters, and have become quite expert at making portable shelters out of wood, animal skins, and other collected materials. At night, they huddled together and possibly covered themselves with “blankets.” But during lively daylight, people were outside and had a lot of the bare skin they'd on.

During an individual's lifetime, The skin responds to normal sun exposure. by the best way. The surface layer of the skin – epidermis – Thickens by adding more layers of cells.. For most individuals, the skin darkens step by step as specialized cells are mobilized to provide one. A protective pigment called eumelanin..

Exposure to the sun's rays stimulates the production of more protective eumelanin, which also darkens the skin's appearance.
ttsz/iStock via Getty Images Plus

This remarkable molecule absorbs most visible light, causing it to seem very dark brown, almost black. Eumelanin also absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation. Depending on their genetics, people produce different amounts of eumelanin. Some have so much and are in a position to produce more when their skin is exposed to sunlight. Others have less to start with and produce less when their skin is exposed.

But my research Evolution of human skin color have shown that the skin color of prehistoric people was adapted to local environmental conditions, mainly to local levels of ultraviolet light. People who lived under strong UV light — such as you'd find near the equator — had darker skin tone and more tenable skin that was in a position to produce more eumelanin yr after yr. People who lived under weaker and more seasonal UV levels — such as you'd find in most of northern Europe and northern Asia — had lighter skin with only limited abilities to provide protective pigments.

With only their feet to hold them, our distant ancestors didn't move around much during their lives. Their skin adapts to sunlight and UV conditions with subtle, seasonal changes that produce more eumelanin and darken in the summertime after which some pigment in the autumn and winter when the sun just isn't as strong. loses Even for individuals with lighter skin tones, painful sunburns were rare because there was never a sudden jolt of intense sunlight. Rather, because the sun gets stronger in the course of the spring, the highest layer of their skin builds up Gradually thicken over weeks and months of sun exposure.

This just isn't to say that the skin is undamaged by today's standards: dermatologists could be amazed on the leathery and wrinkled appearance of our ancestors' sun-exposed skin. Skin color, just like the surface of the sun itself, modified with the seasons and skin showed its age quickly. This continues to be the case for individuals who traditionally live, mostly expatriates, in lots of parts of the world.

An old man with bad skin.
Chronic unprotected sun exposure can damage the skin, the consequences of which this farmer in India saw.
Randeep Madwick/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY

There isn't any preserved skin from 1000's of years ago for scientists to review, but we are able to infer from the consequences of sunlight on modern folks that the damage was similar. Chronic sun exposure Can lead to skin cancerbut rarely the range – Melanoma – which can cause death during reproductive age.

The inner life modified quickly

Until about 10,000 years ago – a drop within the evolutionary history bucket – humans lived their lives. Gathering food, hunting and fishing. Humanity's relationship with the sun and sunlight modified greatly when people began to settle in everlasting settlements. Farming and food storage were involved in the event of immovable buildings. By about 6000 BCE, many individuals all over the world were spending more time in walled settlements and more time indoors.

Line drawing of royal bearded man followed by two small men with umbrella and fly whisk.
The Persian king Darius the Great, who lived 2,500 years ago, is shown shielding from the sun.
Luisa Vallon Fumi/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Although most individuals still spend most of their time outside, some stay indoors in the event that they can. Many of them He started protecting himself from the sun. When they went out. By at the very least 3000 B.C., a whole sun protection industry had developed to provide all types of drugs—umbrellas, parasols, hats, tents, and clothing—that protected people from the skin irritations and inevitability related to prolonged sun exposure. It will prevent blackening. While a few of these were originally reserved for the nobility – corresponding to the umbrellas and canopies of ancient Egypt and China – these luxury items Began to be made And is more widely used.

In some places, people even made progress. Protective paste made from minerals and plant stays – Early versions of modern sunscreens – To protect their exposed skin. Some, like Thanka paste is used by Myanmar people.still persists today.

An essential consequence of those practices in traditional agrarian societies was that those that spent most of their time indoors considered themselves privileged, and their light skin proclaimed their status. A “farmer's tan” was not attractive: Sun-darkened skin was the penalty associated with hard outdoor work.not this one Relaxed vacation sign. From Great Britain to China, Japan and India, sunny skin became related to a lifetime of exertions.

As people have moved longer and faster over recent centuries, and spent more time indoors, their skin has not been affected by their locations and lifestyles. Your eumelanin levels will not be fully adapted to the sun conditions where you reside and due to this fact may not protect you in the identical way that your ancient ancestors did.

Even should you are naturally dark-skinned or in a position to tan, everyone seems to be liable to it. Damage due to episodes of sun exposure, especially after long periods spent completely out of the sun. The “holiday effect” of sudden strong UV exposure is actually bad because sunburn signals skin damage that isn't fully repaired. It's like a foul debt that presents itself years later as prematurely aged or unprotected skin. There isn't any such thing as a healthy tan – a tan doesn't protect you from further sun damage, it's an indication of injury itself.

People may love the sun, but we should not our ancestors. Humanity's relationship with the sun has modified, and meaning changing our behavior to guard our skin.