"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

How to do away with warts

Warts are often harmless and infrequently go away on their very own over time, but they're unsightly. And some, like those found on the soles of the feet, could make walking and exercise painful. Wart removal is usually a challenge, but fortunately, essentially the most effective treatments are minimally invasive.

Wart Anatomy

What do warts appear to be?

Warts grow within the epidermis, the highest layer of skin. A typical wart has a raised, rough surface. (Some, comparable to on the face, could also be smooth and flat.) The center of the wart could also be full of black dots. It is the capillaries that offer it with blood.

What causes skin warts?

Warts occur when skin cells grow faster than normal because they're infected with the human papillomavirus (HPV). Of the 150 strains of HPV, about 10 cause skin warts, including common, plantar, and flat warts (see “Common types of skin warts” below).

We all come into contact with HPV repeatedly – once we shake hands or touch a doorknob, for instance – but just some of us develop warts, and it's hard to clarify. . Children and other people with immune system abnormalities are especially vulnerable. For reasons that aren't entirely clear, so are people from certain professions, comparable to meat, fish and poultry handlers. But the most definitely explanation is that some persons are more liable to warts than others.

Certain other HPV strains cause genital and anal warts. They are transmitted through sexual contact. Certain varieties of HPV could cause cellular changes within the cervix and anus that may turn into cancerous. But HPV strains that cause skin warts are rarely linked to skin cancer.

Common varieties of skin warts

Kind of




Raised, rough surface, sometimes with dark spots; Light brown to grayish brown.

Most commonly found on the hands, but can appear anywhere. Treatment under or around fingernails and toenails might be difficult.


A rough, spongy surface flattens with walking. Brown or brown with black spots.

Found only on the soles of the feet. Clustered plantar warts are called mosaic warts.


flat or barely elevated; Smooth and pink. Smaller than other warts.

It is usually found on the face, hands and legs. They are less common than other warts, but after they do appear, they are sometimes large.

How to treat skin warts

Studies show that about half of warts go away on their very own inside a 12 months, and two-thirds inside two years, so “watchful waiting” for brand new warts is unquestionably an option. But some experts recommend prompt treatment to cut back the quantity of virus shedding in nearby tissues and possibly reduce the chance of reoccurrence. If you don't need to wait, you've got several treatment options:

Home Remedies to Treat Skin Warts

Salicylic acid

  • You can treat warts at home by applying salicylic acid, which is obtainable with out a prescription.
  • Concentrations range from 17% to 40% (stronger concentrations should only be used for warts on thick skin).
  • Soak the wart in warm water before applying salicylic acid.
  • File dead warty skin with an emery board or pumice stone, and apply salicylic acid.
  • Repeat this process each day or twice a day.
  • Salicylic acid is never painful. If the wart or the skin across the wart starts to harm, you must stop the treatment for some time.
  • It may take several weeks of treatment to attain good results, even should you don't stop treatment.
  • Continuing treatment for every week or two after the wart is gone can assist prevent reoccurrence.

Duct tape

  • A low-risk, low-tech approach.
  • You can leave the duct tape on overnight for a few month or until the wart goes away.
  • Alternatively, leave the duct tape on for five to seven days, then remove it. You might have to repeat the cycle.
  • Some studies show that silver duct tape works higher since it sticks.
  • Why duct tape works isn't clear – it might deprive the wart of oxygen, or perhaps dead skin and viral particles are removed with the tape.
  • Some people apply salicylic acid before covering the wart with duct tape. But be very careful to only apply salicylic acid to the wart and let it dry completely before applying the tape.

In-office treatment for skin warts


  • It can also be called cryotherapy.
  • A health care provider sweeps or sprays liquid nitrogen over the wart and a small area around it. Extreme cold (which might be as little as -321 F) burns the skin, causing pain, redness, and frequently blisters.
  • It often takes three or 4 treatments, one every two to 3 weeks, to do away with a wart this fashion. More than that probably won't help.
  • After the skin heals, apply salicylic acid to encourage more skin to peel.
  • Some individual trials have found salicylic acid and cryotherapy to be equally effective, with cure rates of fifty% to 70%, but there's some evidence that cryotherapy is especially effective for hand warts.

Other agents

  • Warts that don't respond to plain treatments might be treated with prescription medications.
  • The topical immunotherapy drug imiquimod (Aldara) might be used to treat skin warts. Imiquimod is assumed to work by causing an allergic response and irritation at the location of the wart.
  • In an approach called intralesional immunotherapy, the wart is injected with a skin test antigen (comparable to mumps or Candida) in those that have demonstrated an immune response to the antigen.
  • Other agents that might be used to treat recurrent warts are the chemotherapy drug fluorouracil (5-FU), which is applied as a cream. and bleomycin, which is injected into the wart.
  • All of those treatments have unintended effects, and evidence of their effectiveness is restricted.

Zipping and cutting

  • The technical name for this treatment is electrodesiccation (or cautery) and curettage.
  • Using local anesthesia, the clinician drains the wart with an electrical needle and scrapes it off with a scoop-like instrument called a curette.
  • This often causes scarring (so does scalpel removal of the wart, another choice).
  • It will likely be reserved for warts that don't reply to other treatments and may generally be avoided on the soles of the feet.

Ask your dermatologist should you're undecided about the very best technique to treat a wart.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to do away with warts naturally?

The body's immune system fights the viruses that cause warts. Warts disappear on their very own with time. Studies have shown that warts in children and adolescents disappear in half of cases after a 12 months. However, the time it takes for warts to go away is dependent upon the style of virus, the style of wart, and the person's health.

Are warts contagious?

Skin warts aren't highly contagious. They can spread from individual to individual by direct contact, especially through a break within the skin. Theoretically, you may also pick up warts from surfaces like locker room floors or showers, but there's no technique to understand how often this happens.

Warts on one a part of the body can spread to other parts of the body, so it's vital to scrub your hands and anything that touches your warts, comparable to nail files or pumice stones.

A wart virus infection is different from a bacterial infection like strep throat, which might be caught, treated and eliminated since it develops in a definite, reliable way. Ways of warts are less predictable.

The wart virus lives in the highest layer of the skin, and who knows where or if you picked it up? The virus might be there for years. Then it forms warts for reasons we don't understand. And when the wart goes away, you may still find the virus within the epidermis.

When to see your doctor

Some skin cancers look just like warts at first. If you've got a wart that doesn't change much in size, color, or shape, you almost certainly don't must see a physician. But should you're in your 50s and develop latest warts, seek the advice of a dermatologist. Be suspicious of a wart that bleeds or grows quickly.