"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Healthy Travel: Don't let this common risk wreck your best-laid plans.

Long road trips also increase the danger of deep vein thrombosis. Take a break every hour or so to stretch your legs.

Image: Thinkstock

Long trips include an increased risk of blood clots within the leg veins, which may have serious complications.

Vacation getaways, whether sun-drenched beaches or ski resorts, will be rejuvenating. However, inactivity brought on by sitting for hours on planes, trains or automobiles can increase your risk of blood clots in your legs, a condition called deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which is common with age. goes

In about half of individuals with DVT, blood clots form silently. The rest produce symptoms. If blood clots stay in place, they'll interfere with circulation in your leg, causing pain and swelling. If their small pieces break off and travel to other parts of your body, they're called emboli. A pulmonary embolus — a traveling clot that lodges within the lungs — can cut off your body's supply of oxygen, causing fatigue, shortness of breath, and even death. About 300,000 people die every year within the United States from pulmonary embolism.

A blood clot may form in a varicose vein, causing a lump within the skin that will be red, warm, and tender. This variety of clot, called a superficial thrombus, isn't as dangerous as a clot in a deep vein because it will probably't travel to your lungs. However, if the superficial thrombosis appears to be growing or becoming painful, you might wish to get it checked out by your doctor.

Are you in danger for DVT?

Dr. Stoughton recommends using the danger factor assessment form available on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.cdc.gov/Features/ThrombosisTo see how likely you're to develop DVT. If you have got several risk aspects, it's a superb idea to check with your doctor, who may decide to do a physical exam and order an ultrasound of your leg veins. It's painless and comparatively inexpensive, and the ultrasound can discover whether you have got clots and want to take steps to stop them from growing or rupturing.

Travel suggestions to scale back the danger of DVT

Because sitting for long periods of time can increase the danger of DVT, at-risk individuals usually tend to develop blood clots during times that last more than two hours. However, a couple of precautions may also help.

  • Wear graduated compression stockings. These thigh-high or knee-high socks are made from an elastic material that puts a bit of more pressure across the ankles across the calf. You must have your first pair fitted by a health skilled to ensure you have got the proper size. And when you imagine compression hose as thick, rubbery, and grey, you is perhaps surprised to learn that they're now virtually indistinguishable from opaque hose and are available in quite a lot of colours.

  • Don't sit still for too long. Take a break every hour. If you're on a plane, bus, or train, walk within the aisles. If you're driving, stop at a rest area. While you're sitting, practice tracing the letters of the alphabet within the air along with your right foot, using your big toe as a “pen point.” Repeat the exercise along with your left foot.

  • stay up. Do not take sleeping pills. An extended nap in a sitting position allows your blood to pool in your legs.

  • Wear loose clothing. It is less more likely to restrict your blood flow.

  • Keep hydrated. Drink more water. Avoid alcohol, which causes dehydration. Staying hydrated may mean more bathroom trips, but walking down the aisle keeps your blood circulating.

  • Talk to your doctor about low-dose aspirin. There is a few evidence that it could prevent DVT.