"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Good news for individuals with type 2 diabetes: A healthy lifestyle matters

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a metabolic disorder of insulin resistance—a reduced sensitivity to the motion of insulin—that results in high blood sugar, or hyperglycemia. About 12% of American adults have T2D, and greater than one-third of Americans have prediabetes, a precursor to T2D. This is a serious public health concern, as T2D dramatically increases the chance of heart problems, including heart attack, atrial fibrillation, and heart failure.

The development and progression of T2D is influenced by many aspects. Some, akin to an individual's race/ethnicity, age, and gender, can't be edited. Others, including body weight, exercise, and eating regimen may be modified.

Can lifestyle changes help reduce the chance of heart disease if you may have diabetes?

In 2010, the American Heart Association (AHA) publishedSimple life 7, which he described as “seven risk factors that people can improve through lifestyle changes to help achieve cardiovascular health.” The Simple 7 touches on smoking status, physical activity, ideal body weight, fresh fruit and vegetable consumption, blood sugar, levels of cholesterol, and blood pressure.

Subsequent studies found that folks with optimal ranges for every of those aspects had a lower risk of heart disease than those with poor ranges. But given the numerous increase in heart problems risk in individuals with T2D, it was unclear whether the effect of those modifiable aspects would hold true within the T2D population.

Recent studies have shown that lifestyle changes profit T2D and prediabetes.

Oh A recent study Published in JAMA Cardiology checked out whether the perfect cardiovascular (CV) metrics included in Life's Simple 7 translate into higher CV health for individuals with T2D or prediabetes. The results were encouraging, and consistent with other large population-based studies. Patients who had five or more ideal CV measures didn't have an excess of CV events in comparison with those with normal blood sugar levels. CV events measured within the study included death, heart attack, stroke and heart failure. Each additional ideal health metric was related to an extra 18% reduction in CV event risk for individuals with T2D and an extra 15% reduction for individuals with prediabetes.

This was a prospective, observational study, examining only the association of risk aspects. Given the intervention, this was not a randomized trial. As a result, we cannot draw any conclusions about cause and effect. Nevertheless, that is the primary study to indicate a positive association between ideal lifestyle aspects and CV health in individuals with T2D who're at high risk of CVD. These findings show the importance of our lifestyle selections, suggesting that meeting ideal health metrics will help reduce the chance of CV events.

Simple life 7

So what lifestyle and metabolic health goals must you strive for, whether you may have diabetes or not?

  1. Manage blood pressure. 120/80 mm Hg or less is perfect.
  2. Control cholesterol. Aim for a complete cholesterol of lower than 200 mg/dL.
  3. Lower blood sugar. Get your HbA1c (a median measure of blood sugar over the past three months) below 5.7% if you may have pre-diabetes, or below 6.5% if you may have T2D.
  4. Get energetic. Your goal is 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous activity.
  5. Eat higher. That means at the least 4.5 cups of vegatables and fruits per day.
  6. shed pounds. You desire a body mass index (BMI) of lower than 25.
  7. Stop smoking. You'll reap CV advantages, not to say reduce your risk for cancer, COPD and more.