"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Exercise advantages physical and mental health in individuals with Down syndrome – latest research

Exercise has many advantages relating to cognitive function – eg Improving memory And Concentration skills. Research shows that that is true. the people In many various Age groupsand even in situations that affect their cognitive ability (eg It is the name of a mental disease).

But until recently, it wasn't known whether exercise also had cognitive advantages for individuals with Down syndrome — a genetic condition that affects development and learning.

Our research subsequently got down to explore whether a prescribed walking program could improve each the physical and cognitive health of individuals with Down syndrome. We found that exercising just a few times per week not only improved the physical health of individuals with Down syndrome, but in addition Improved their cognitive function.

The changes were reviewed.

gave MinDSets study There was a collaboration between our research team at Anglia Ruskin University and the Canadian Down Syndrome Society. We recruited 83 participants (43 men and 40 women) from across North America, Asia, Europe, and Africa. Participants ranged in age from 19 to 42 years. During the eight-week study period, participants got activity monitors to measure their physical and cognitive health.

Physical fitness was assessed initially and end of the study using a Six-minute walk test. The more distance a participant can walk in six minutes, the higher their physical fitness.

Cognitive health was assessed using a A series of tests which checked out short-term memory, concentration, decision-making skills and speed of choices.

The participants were then divided into 4 different groups. The first group walked for half-hour 3 times per week. The second group did 20 minutes of brain training games six days per week. A 3rd group did each walks and brain training games. The last group was a control group – meaning they didn't do any activity and stayed as normal.

The group that walked 3 times per week increased their walking distance by about 10 percent. In the combined group, who did each the walking intervention and brain training, they improved their walking distance by 12 percent. There was no change in distance walked within the control groups for mental training or distance walking.

When it involves cognitive function, the brain training group, the exercise group and the combined group all showed improvements of their performance on cognitive tests. But we were surprised to seek out that the exercise group and the combined group actually showed greater improvement of their performance on cognitive tests than the brain training group — especially on tests taking a look at decision-making speed and response accuracy.

The brain training group also showed improvements in cognitive tests.
Ground Picture/Shutterstock

These findings suggest that self-exercise may also help improve each physical health and cognitive function in individuals with Down syndrome. But combining regular exercise with mental training can provide the best boost to physical fitness and mental health.

This was an modern study in its design, as all participants and their caregivers became data collectors. This approach signifies that there's more potential for errors than if the info were collected in a lab. But by taking a look at the larger group we ensured that the outcomes were more reflective of the Down syndrome population as an entire.

Walking and mental health

To walk a Complex work. It prompts multiple areas of the brain to regulate and regulate movement. Stability and coordination.

Every step you are taking creates a flow of data through the brain – and it's information. Continuous monitoring To be sure that your body can easily adapt to the environment (reminiscent of if the road becomes bumpy).

Therefore, walking uses a substantial amount of cognitive power. For our study participants, walking required them to give attention to the duty at hand – forcing them to develop their attention and concentration skills during exercise. These are transferable skills to on a regular basis life, so when given cognitive tests, participants were in a position to use these skills – especially on tasks that required sustained attention.

The next step for research on this area might be to give attention to how more complex exercises (reminiscent of dance) can affect cognitive function.

Our work shows that for individuals with Down syndrome, easy and accessible exercise like walking has vital advantages for each physical fitness and cognitive health.

This is vital, as individuals with Down syndrome are more liable to this. Certain health conditions. Many individuals with Down syndrome also often Fall short A minimum of really helpful activity, which can further increase their risk of poor health.