"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Be capable of discuss male cancer at any age without taboo.

In France, testicular cancer is essentially the most common variety of cancer in men aged 15 to 35 years. During the month of “Movember”, men world wide are invited to grow mustaches to lift funds for research and awareness of men's diseases. Prevention of any such cancer stays difficult, and actions to compensate for this have multiplied lately, taking the axis of humor as a vector.

Very vital for breast cancer and positioned after “Pink October” (which Affects men tooThis measure based on hair growth, nonetheless, excludes one segment of patients: children with pediatric cancer.

Movember et le “Shave Down”

The Movember initiative was born in 2003. The Australian friends then set themselves a challenge: revive mustaches to lift public awareness of prostate and testicular cancer, the 2 sorts of cancer that almost all affect men, and Screening of

Movember, a portmanteau word derived from a contraction of “mo” meaning “mustache” in Australia and “November”, first arrived in France in 2012. Since then, every year, multiple events have been held for each. Men and ladies (besides wearing a moustache, ladies don't worry!).

The idea of ​​”Moomber” is above all to “change the face of men's health” by wearing a mustache. But also promoting physical activity to guard your health.

From 1Is November (“Shave Down” Day), men who wish to take part in Movemem (“Mo Bros”) must shave completely. They are then invited to grow their mustaches through the 30 days of November.

Testicular cancer mainly affects young adults.

Testicular cancer mainly affects men aged 15 to 29 years. It makes it the primary cancer amongst young people in France. If caught early, it is vitally treatable. In 95% of cases, the disease is diagnosed on time. Prevention is nearly akin to cure and five-year survival is between 98 and 99% for purely localized forms and greater than 70% for metastatic forms.

It is significant to examine the testicles frequently to be certain that there may be nothing abnormal. However, this type of practice is commonly taboo: within the collective imagination, they really touch the queer…

Another male barrier to any such care: Men are more vulnerable to the long-term effects of stress, but many men with depression don't seek treatment because they see emotional problems as a weakness that's higher hidden. .

It is due to this fact vital to present self-examination as a natural, positive process – not a “shameful” one. If self-pumping of the breast to fight against breast cancer is now popular amongst women, it needs to be just as popular amongst men in the case of testicles!

Self-indulgence without inhibitions and campaigning in an uninhibited tone

Many campaigns have decided to handle men's intimate health issues with a humorous side to make the conversation less embarrassing to share. Front-facing humor helps put the target market comfy.

For example, i “The World of Cuis” (2014), screening of testes by self-palpation using self-palpation is discussed as… guinea pigs! Or more precisely their older cousins, the Cuys, so popular in South America (pronounced [kɥi] – Yes, like these gentlemen).

However, the audiences targeted by these prevention venues often differ, nonetheless vital they could be. Played by or focused on by actors who're quite old. Prostate cancerThey don't all the time allow us to grasp that certain sorts of male cancer also affect younger men.

The The last three campaigns So play on puns and caricatures that can speak to (and reasonably encourage) a mature, if not adult, audience. In 2018, a “Real Balls Movie” was produced. The mischievous place revolves. The petanquist metaphor To encourage men to see their “stuff”.

In favor of next 12 months A twist of caricature and codes. “The Breakdown” comes with a luxury yacht, sunglasses, music, grapes and snacks… even an enormous Break Slam causes guests to rock. Glass breaks and, metaphorically, the carelessness of healthy living. One of the participants suddenly feels paralyzed when he learns that prostate cancer affects 57,000 men every year.

In 2020, it's the return of balls… in it Second Bowling Place, Bruno Solo meets his friends – this time to a bowling alley. The idea is to remind those who it's higher to discuss subjects which can be sometimes taboo…reasonably than “come out as a freak!” »

But after all France doesn't have a monopoly on campaigns in favor of the second degree. Anglo-Saxons also use humor to achieve a wider audience, perhaps more prone to reach a younger audience amid the re-appropriation of certain conventions and commitment to offbeat heroes.

In 2016, Canada put “Men Boys: The Men Who Whispered in Balls” online. This Real fake music video Several times used the word (testicles in English) to simplify the discussion across the male reproductive organs: Bollywood, zumball and balligator.

In 2018 it isn't any less. Deadpool (played by Ryan Reynolds) as requested. The iconic anti-hero with devastating black humor begins his monologue with the key (in English) of encouraging self-examination: “Gentlemen, how well do you recognize your pockets of happiness? ?I'm sure you go down most of the time, however it's time to concentrate on your favorite hobby because that bean bag you're holding is attempting to kill you. ..Yes! Because testicular cancer is essentially the most common type of cancer in men aged 15 to 35.

Children and young boys, specific problems

These spots with targeted humor allow us to not forget that there may be also a younger audience who're unfortunately troubled by cancer. Leukemia (cancer of the bone marrow) and lymphoma (affecting the lymph nodes) are essentially the most common types of childhood cancer and represent about 40% of childhood tumors.

According to'Institut National do Cancer (INCA), 2,500 recent cases of cancer occur in children under the age of 18 every year. Cancer in boys or teenagers is the second leading explanation for death in people under the age of 15. So prevention can be very vital on this topic… especially because the treatment of any such cancer results in infertility in youth usually.

Treatment advances in oncology over the past decade have significantly increased survival rates. However, although very effective, treatments (through chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy) are harmful and have known testicular toxicity, resulting in infertility in maturity.

Fertility preservation of precocious boys, adolescents, or young adults should due to this fact be considered. Caring for these young people within the context of after-effects related to cancer treatment is a serious public health challenge.

To overcome failure to preserve sperm, preservation of testicular tissue (by removal and freezing) prior to treatment in addition to their maturation (or) sperm fertility when fatherhood is desired A possible solution is to revive. A protocol that, if it becomes functional in humans, will be prescribed before any treatment harmful to the reproductive organs (gonadotoxic), thus making it possible to undergo treatment trials without sacrificing future paternity. .

Techniques for freezing testicular tissue at the moment are well described in humans. However, in the case of restoring fertility, mechanisms are still being developed through research. there Culture organotypique (artificial three-dimensional organ culture) has turn into a typical and reliable method in the sector of spermatogenesis in mice lately and could possibly be transferred to humans in the approaching many years, giving hope to those young men. whose testicular tissues had been frozen.