"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Study says COVID-19 death toll in US higher than official record

February 21, 2024 – Deaths from COVID-19 are not less than 16% higher than official records show, based on a brand new study Study.

This is primarily on account of a ignorance of COVID-19 and low testing rates, say the authors of the study published in PNAS.

The authors wrote that the U.S. experienced high excess mortality rates throughout the pandemic. Excess mortality is the difference between the observed variety of deaths in a given period and the variety of deaths that may be expected based on previous mortality trends.

Between March 2020 and August 2022, there have been 1.2 million additional deaths from natural causes within the United States. About 163,000 of them weren't attributed to COVID-19, but most must have been, the researchers say.

They decided to research the timing and locations of the surplus deaths. They found that excess deaths increased within the month before the COVID-19 surges peaked.

“Mortality that is not considered Covid starts a little before the Covid surges officially begin and peaks a little earlier,” Dr. Elizabeth Wrigley-Field, certainly one of the study's authors The guard. She is an associate professor on the Minnesota Population Center on the University of Minnesota.

Underreporting of cases continued throughout the primary 30 months of the pandemic, and not only early on, when there was a ignorance of the novel coronavirus.

“It deeply reflects failures in the public health system,” Wrigley-Field said.

“Knowing mortality rates helps authorities allocate resources such as vaccines, treatments and additional health workers to the most affected populations and regions, and it can help individuals make more informed decisions about taking precautions.” The guard wrote.