"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Regular exercise can reduce the severity of a hangover – here's how.

Most of us have been there: An evening of fun turns right into a morning of regret – complete with a pounding headache, nausea and fatigue.

While there are many hangover “cures” on the market – from eating a greasy breakfast to ill-health “hair of the dog” – A recent paper shows that Regular exercise will be the key to ending those dreaded mornings.

The study, published within the journal Addictive Behaviors, involved 1,676 undergraduate students who had experienced at the least one hangover within the previous three months. All participants did at the least half-hour of moderate physical activity per week. They accomplished online questionnaires assessing their alcohol consumption patterns, physical activity levels and frequency and severity of hangover symptoms. Activity level was scored by calculating activity intensity against variety of hours.

The results indicated a major association between physical activity and hangover symptoms. Not surprisingly, individuals who drink more alcohol experience hangovers more often and with greater severity. But, these associations were reduced in those that engaged in vigorous physical activity (reminiscent of running) – suggesting that higher levels of exercise may reduce the severity of hangover symptoms.

Although the study only established a link between exercise and a discount in hangover severity, several mechanisms may help explain why physical activity may reduce hangover symptoms.

1. Modulates the pain response.

Hangovers often result in physical pain, reminiscent of headaches and muscle aches, because of numerous aspects. Alcohol causes dehydration, which affects the best way blood vessels work and reduces the extent of fluid across the brain. They can do it Trigger a headache.

Alcohol also promotes inflammation within the body, which causes Release of immune system molecules called cytokines, which may cause this. Muscle pain. Additionally, alcohol disrupts sleep, which may Increased sensitivity to pain the subsequent day.

Some studies have also noted that your blood alcohol concentration after an evening of drinking can be related to common hangover symptoms. Like pain.

But exercise stimulates the discharge of endorphins – hormones produced by the brain that make things work. Natural pain relievers. Regular exercise can even make you taller. Baseline endorphin levels. This could potentially result in less A feeling of pain And discomfort during a hangover.

2. Better quality sleep

Accompany a hangover. Poor quality sleep. The wine Reduces REM sleep.which is the a part of the sleep cycle that helps the brain rest and get well. Drinking alcohol can even cause you to get up more through the night because alcohol causes your body to losing fluid – You need to make use of the lavatory more often.

But regular exercise is linked to higher sleep patterns. Regulate circadian rhythm.. Overall, Physical activity may improve. Reduce sleep duration, sleep quality and the variety of times you get up through the night. This may in turn assist you get a greater night's sleep after drinking – which may improve your overall recovery from a hangover.

3. Improves metabolism.

Participates in regular physical activity Better metabolic healthwhich may facilitate efficient processing of alcohol.

While the liver primarily metabolizes alcohol, having a great metabolic rate may also help clear alcohol and its byproducts from the system more efficiently.

Exercise is sweet for metabolic health – which may also help clear alcohol from our systems.
PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock

Exercise also improves circulation, which can even help flush out acetaldehyde. It is a toxic chemical that's released by alcohol when the body metabolizes it. Acetaldehyde significantly Contributes to hangover symptoms..

4. Reduces inflammation.

Alcohol triggers an inflammatory response (the body's defense mechanism against harmful pathogens and substances). Exacerbating hangover symptoms.

It releases chemicals called cytokines that promote inflammation, which helps fight infection or injury. However, within the case of a hangover, this inflammation can worsen symptoms reminiscent of headaches, muscle aches, fatigue, and sensitivity to light and sound. The body's heightened immune response exacerbates these discomforts, making the hangover feel more intense.

But the exercise is well documented Anti-inflammatory properties As it stimulates production. Anti-inflammatory cytokines. This implies that regular exercisers may experience less inflammation-related pain during a hangover.

Hangover cure?

It's necessary to make clear that while exercise may also help make a hangover more tolerable, it's not a cure. The best technique to prevent a hangover is to drink sparsely – or avoid it altogether. But for many who decide to become involved, incorporating regular physical activity into your lifestyle could make hangovers just a little less debilitating.

However, there are some things that will not be quite clear from the study. For example, it's unclear how soon before drinking alcohol it's best to exercise to see advantages on hangover severity. This makes it difficult to say whether regular exercisers have less severe hangovers, or whether exercising the night before helps manage hangover symptoms.

The study was also conducted using undergraduate students, whose drinking and physical activity levels may differ from older adults. Research in several age groups will likely be necessary to see if the advantages are similar.

It's also necessary to tell apart between the advantages of standard exercise and the urge to exercise once you're hungry. The latter could be productive, as is the body. Already dehydrated and stressed. This could make your hangover worse.

Instead, try doing gentle, low-effort activities during a hangover – like a walk or yoga. This may help. Boost your mood.

While the outcomes of this recent study shouldn't be seen as providing an excuse to overeat, it does highlight the ways in which exercise prepares the body to higher handle an evening of drinking. – possibly making those rough mornings just a little more manageable.