"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

pink eye (conjunctivitis)

What is conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis, also referred to as pink eye, is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the transparent membrane that lines the eyelids and covers the whites of the eyes. Conjunctivitis may be attributable to allergies, contact with irritating chemicals, or a viral or bacterial infection.

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  • Viral conjunctivitis Often attributable to one in all the adenoviruses, a family of viruses that commonly cause the common cold (upper respiratory illnesses). In temperate climates, adenoviruses are most lively in spring, early summer, and mid-winter. They infect fluids within the eyes, mouth, and nose, and may be spread from individual to individual on hands and in droplets from coughs and sneezes. In most cases, adenoviruses cause only a gentle case of conjunctivitis. However, they've the potential to cause a more serious infection, called kerato-conjunctivitis, which might cloud the cornea and interfere with vision. In addition to adenovirus, other viruses that cause conjunctivitis include enterovirus, measles virus (rubella), and herpes simplex virus.
  • Bacterial conjunctivitis Can be attributable to several several types of bacteria, including Haemophilus influenzaepneumococci, staphylococci (staph) and streptococci (strep). Most bacterial infections are spread by touching hands which can be contaminated with bacteria. Babies born to moms with gonorrhea or chlamydia can even develop conjunctivitis if their eyes are exposed to contaminated fluids within the birth canal during vaginal delivery.

Symptoms of conjunctivitis

Symptoms of conjunctivitis include:

  • Red, watery eyes
  • Eye irritation (itchy or itchy feeling)
  • Eye discharge that may crust across the eyelids.

If it's viral conjunctivitis, the attention fluid is thin, clear, and watery. Eye discharge from bacterial conjunctivitis is commonly thick, colorless (yellow or green), cloudy, and sticky. Sometimes this substance is so sticky that the eyelids follow one another. This is more prone to occur after waking up from sleep. With allergic conjunctivitis, normally each eyes are involved, the itching is more severe and the eyes may swell.

If you wear contact lenses, you usually tend to develop conjunctivitis, which might damage the attention. If your eye becomes red, stop wearing contact lenses. If you may have any pain, contact your primary care doctor or eye doctor immediately.

Diagnosis of conjunctivitis

Your doctor will suspect conjunctivitis if you may have an itchy, red eye with discharge or increased tearing. If your doctor suspects bacterial conjunctivitis, she or he may take a sample of the discharge out of your eye and send it to a lab for testing.

Expected duration of conjunctivitis

Even without treatment, most cases of viral conjunctivitis will clear up inside seven days.

Bacterial conjunctivitis requires antibiotics. Eye redness normally starts to clear up inside a couple of days of taking your antibiotics. Make sure you're taking all of your antibiotics, even should you begin to feel higher. Otherwise, the drug may not kill all of the bacteria.

Prevention of conjunctivitis

It is feasible to stop infectious conjunctivitis. Wash your hands incessantly and avoid touching your eyes. At home, never share towels, washcloths or face cosmetics with others, especially eye makeup.

To prevent conjunctivitis in newborns, all pregnant women ought to be tested and, if vital, treated for gonorrhea and chlamydia infections. As one other safety measure, newborns are routinely treated with antibiotic eye drops at birth.

Treatment of conjunctivitis

For uncomplicated viral conjunctivitis, your doctor may prescribe over-the-counter eye drops, which relieve eye symptoms while your body fights the viral infection.

For bacterial conjunctivitis, you'll need a prescription ointment or eye drops that contain antibiotics. Use them for as many days as your doctor tells you, even in case your symptoms clear up in a day or two. You can even apply warm compresses, equivalent to washcloths, to your eyes for 20 to half-hour several times a day. Gently clean the discharge and dry, crusty material from the attention with a clean, damp cotton ball or tissue.

For allergic conjunctivitis, antihistamine eye drops and funky compresses might help relieve itching.

Infants who develop gonorrhea or chlamydial conjunctivitis are treated with antibiotics that may be applied to the attention, taken by mouth or injected right into a vein, depending on the severity. Their moms ought to be screened and treated for gonorrhea or chlamydia infection.

When to Call a Professional

Call your doctor in case your eyes turn into red, watery, and itchy, especially if you may have a thick eye discharge in your eyelids. Call your doctor instantly if you may have pain or swelling in your eyes, or if you may have blurred vision or a high fever or sensitivity to light. Call your doctor instantly every time an infant, especially a newborn, shows symptoms of conjunctivitis.

If you're taking antibiotics to treat bacterial conjunctivitis, call your doctor in case your eye redness persists after three days.


Most cases of uncomplicated viral or bacterial conjunctivitis resolve without everlasting eye damage.

Additional information

National Eye Institute


American Academy of Ophthalmology
