"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Winner in Tai Chi, Warding of Falls

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Photo: © kali9/Getty Images

Exercise is among the best ways to forestall falls. But what sort of exercise helps essentially the most? A small randomized controlled trial—the gold standard in research—found that tai chi was a winner. The study was published online on September 10, 2018. JAMA Internal Medicine. Researchers took 670 older adults (average age 78) with a self-reported history of falls or mobility problems and randomly divided them into three groups. One group did tai chi only. One group did only stretching exercises. and one group did aerobics, strength training, and balance and adaptability exercises. All participants participated of their assigned activities twice every week, for one hour every time. After six months, people within the tai chi group had 58 percent fewer falls than people within the stretching group, and 31 percent fewer falls than people within the group that did more exercise. The sort of tai chi within the trial was tailored to older adults vulnerable to falling. But lots of evidence has shown that tai chi basically is effective for improving balance. It uses a series of slow, flowing movements and deep respiration. Gradual weight shifting increases your strength, flexibility, range of motion, and reflexes.

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